We are honored
to invite you to become a PH Domain Foundation Partner or
Share our dream in empowering the rural poor and uplifting
their quality of life by providing them with the tools to
quickly access relevant information.
Be a PARTNER, and contribute the following package:
• hardware (minimum of 3 computers and 1 printer)
• equipment and materials for networking
• filed coordination and technical support cost
• signage
Total Cost per project area: P150,000.00
As a PARTNER, you are entitled to :
• acknowledgement in the PH Domain Foundation Website
(www.phdomainfdn.org.ph), the Best Practices in Rural
Connectivity Book we hope to publish and other publicity
generated by the project
• free basic website development (if you don't have
your own
website) or waived renewal fees for your .com.ph or .ph domain
• your website linked to the PH Domain Foundation
• your company logo, name and picture of
in the launching ceremony posted in the PH Domain
Foundation website.
Be a SPONSOR by:
• donating at least 1 or 2 or nay number of new
computers &
printers, or,
• providing for the cost of networking at least 3
computers, or,
• providing field coordination & technical support
costs, or,
• providing training costs
As A SPONSOR, you will be:
• acknowledged in the PH Domain Foundation
(www.phdomainfdn.org.ph), the Best Practices in Rural
Connectivity Book we hope to publish, and other
generated by the project.
I am interested to become
a Project Partner in:
I am interested to become a Project Sponsor:
I will donate: